Saturday, March 26, 2016

Easter Barges In

Bartholomew was with the rest of the disciples in that dark upper room in Jerusalem. The air was thick with more than dust; it was heavy with fear and depression. It was three days, now, since Jesus had died; three days since any of them had been outside. They had all wanted to go to Calvary, not to hoot and howl like the mob, but just so Jesus might catch their eye and feel a little less alone, but they feared they, too, would be caught and killed. That fear added to their depression, Bartholomew thought, and he instinctively looked in the corner where Peter huddled. He noticed that someone had put a blanket around the figure, so full of shame from his denial of Jesus that he was barely conscious.

Suddenly, there was the coded wrap on the door that signaled a friend. The door was unlatched and three women burst in with the daylight. Excited and out of breath, they stammered out the news – the tomb was empty. Jesus was alive again and he would meet the disciples in Galilee! The disciples were stunned, “What?”, “How can that be?”, and “But he was dead!”. So quickly doubt began to snatch the hope the women had brought. What if it’s just human hysteria? What if they were just trying to cheer us up? What if it’s a cruel joke?

“But, what if it’s true?”, said Bartholomew, “What if Jesus lives again? Why, then, it’s off to Galilee for me! Soldiers or not, doubts and all, it’s off to Galilee for me!”

“And it’s a new chance for me”, came the words from the blanketed form in the corner, whose eyes now burned bright and clear. Peter's voice was alive and hopeful, “To Galilee.”

So the story does not end with Jesus crushed beneath the combined weight of personal pride, religious arrogance, and political paranoia – beneath all human sin. It takes all these and fashions a new beginning in which the grace of God lives anew, forgiveness lives anew, righteousness lives anew – in which Jesus lives anew. Living anew, he comes to meet us. He comes for us. So hang the doubts, hang the fears, hand the depression. Pack them and bring them along to our Galilee, for when Christ comes to us, alive and kicking, he adds something new: faith, hope, and love. The grace of God is part of our life and it’s a new chance for all of us. Easter Blessings to all.

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