Grace has always been such a happy word for me. Grace. It brims and even overflows with hope and joy. I saw a little plaque in a friends bathroom that I really like. It read, "Grace is getting what you don't deserve. Mercy is not getting what you do deserve." Not bad. The grace of God is God giving us peace when we have been part of the chaos. Grace is God's gift of forgiveness when we are so clueless that we don't even realize that we need it. Grace is God's loving presence when we will probably just be annoyed to imagine that we want it. Grace is God keeping God's promise to love and care for us when God knows we will crumple those actions up and toss them away. From my perspective, grace is a fabulous deal. Grace is happy.
And then we come to Lent. My perspective is forced to change. My perspective switches to watch Jesus go to the Cross. Conflict. Harassment. Abandonment. Suffering. Death. All so that we might be inspired enough to finally detect the grace of God. All so we might be able to see that God gives God's life without regard for our worthiness or tragic lack thereof. All, and only, because of the loving character of God.
Grace goes deeper than happy. Grace goes deeper than joy. Grace goes to the self-giving heart of God.
Suddenly, Lent happens to me. It is full of grace. It is not so happy, but it is much more meaningful.It is much richer. It is much more powerful. Lent, and grace, sometimes happens to me and I am better for it.
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